Massage Pricing

Personalized Massage

30/60/90/120mins: $75/$125/$145/$199

This incorporates all modalities from Deep, Trigger, Swedish and so on, to address your individual needs. Your therapist will work with you to determine the most effective massage for you! Upgrade to CBD $20.

Paired Massage

30/60/90/120mins: Priced individually as above

Experience shared moments alongside your family, friends, or significant other in our luxurious adjoining spa treatment rooms. Choose any timed massage from services listed.

Relaxation Massage

60 mins: $125

A delicate touch suitable for any age or condition. This non-therapeutic massage stimulates the senses giving an overall feeling of harmony and peace.

Heated Massage

60/90mins: $135/$155

Ease into a quiet state of relaxation with this comforting heated massage. Feel soothing warmth with each stroke while melting away your stress.

Pregnancy Massage

60/90 mins: $135/$155

For expectant mothers, our fully adjustable beds and custom bolsters provide absolute comfort throughout the entire term of the pregnancy. Our spa is the perfect calming environment for a relaxing experience.

Specialty Treatments

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Treatment

60mins: $150

A gentle non-invasive treatment that is beneficial for many health conditions and overall health. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from body tissues. Health conditions such as swelling (Lymphedema), varicose veins, cellulite, build up of fat in the arms/legs (Lipedema), chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Migraine headaches, sinus/allergy symptoms may be relieved. Treatment consistency is recommended for certain conditions.


60mins: $150

Universal life energy is a method of healing originated in Japan in 1865 and has been used to balance the mind and body. It helps to relieve tension and increase circulation and improve the health of the mind, body and spirit. A light touch is used during this treatment.


60mins: $150

A traditional Japanese technique, using life force energy, reduces stress, provides calm and relaxation, helps with anxiety, pain management and over all well-being.  A gentle energy treatment. Comfortable clothes should be worn. 

Spiritual Session

60mins: $150

An exploration into your spiritual connection to live a more balanced and fulfilled life in the physical world. Insight, understanding, and validation to uncover emotional and physical blocks, ancestorial ties, and pain manifestations to allow healing on all levels.

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